Asst. Prof. Pimsumon Jiamboonsri, Ph.D.
Instructor, Faculty of Medicine
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, 2007
Mahidol University
Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmaceutics), 2016
Mahidol University
Visiting Graduate Student (September 2012–July 2014)
Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Texas Medical Center, College of Pharmacy, University of Houston, TX
The natural compounds have been significantly interesting due to the rise in microbial resistance, which causes a serious global health problem. Herbs become one of the most highlighted natural sources of a new candidate for drug development. Several studies have been documented that phytochemical compounds including tannins and terpene exhibits antimicrobial properties. However, it is a challenge to develop for pharmaceutical applications due to their physicochemical properties such as poor solubility and low stability. In recent years, the encapsulation of compounds into polymeric nanofibers fabricated by electrospinning has gained increasing interests, because of the possibility to overcome these limitations. This technique could be applied for various types of polymers including water-soluble, biodegradable, and biocompatibility polymers. Therefore, an electrospinning process is an innovative and effective process for pharmaceutical and medical material.
Therefore, my research focus on the study of antibacterial properties of natural compounds and the development of nanoparticle or/and nanofibers loading with natural compounds for antimicrobial application. The research does not only expect academic knowledge but also to promote herbal product innovation according to Thailand 4.0 policy (Medical target industrial).
1. พิมพ์สุมน เจียมบุญศรี. (2562). เภสัชจลนศาสตร์ของสารกลุ่มแทนนิน. วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์ ลาดกระบัง, 28, 1-14 .
2. Jiamboonsri P, Pithayanukul P, Bavovada R, Leanpolchareanchai J, Gao S, Hu M. In vitro glucuronidation of methyl gallate and pentagalloyl glucopyranose by liver microsomes. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2016 Aug;31(4):292-303.
3. Jiamboonsri P, Pithayanukul P, Bavovada R, Leanpolchareanchai J, Yin T, Gao S, Hu M. Factors Influencing Oral Bioavailability of Thai Mango Seed Kernel Extract and Its Key Phenolic Principles. Molecules. 2015;20(12):21254-73.
4. Jiamboonsri P, Pithayanukul P, Bavovada R, Gao S, Hu M. A validated liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of methyl gallate and pentagalloyl glucopyranose: Application to pharmacokinetic studies. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2015 Apr;986:12-7.