Asst. Prof. Nada Pitabut, Ph.D.
Instructor, Faculty of Medicine
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
B.Sc. (Medical Technology), 1999
Rungsit University, Thailand
M.Sc. (Tropical Medicine), 2005
Mahidol University, Thailand
Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine), 2011
Mahidol University, Thailand
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Enhancing Vivax Malaria Project in Thailand (Supported by NIH, USA)
Mahidol University, Thailand
Project Manager
DENFREE-Dengue Research Framework for Resisting Epidemics in Europe (Supported by European Union, FP7)
Mahidol University, Thailand
Research Visitor
Department of Respiratory Diseases, Research Institute, National Center Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Tokyo, Japan
Research Visitor
Clinical Research Center, National Hospital Organization, Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, Sakai, Osaka, Japan
Medical Technologist
Unit of Clinical Chemistry, Department of Clinical Pathology, Maharat Nakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima, Thailand
My primary research emphasizes the area of host-pathogen interactions such as malaria, TB and HIV/TB coinfection and their immunity as well as potential diagnostic and prognosis biomarkers.
1. Matangkasombut P, Manopwisedjaroena K, Pitabut N, Thaloengsoka S, Suraamornkul S, Yingtaweesak T, Duong V, Sakuntabhai A, Paul R, Singhasivanon P. Dengue viremia kinetics in asymptomatic and symptomatic infection. Int J Infect Dis 2020 Dec 28; 101: 90-97. Epub 2020 Sep 28.
2. Pitabut N, Dhepakson P, Sakurada S, Keicho N, Khusmith S. Coordinated in vitro release of granulysin, perforin and IFN-γ in TB and HIV/TB Co-infection associated with clinical outcomes before and after anti-TB treatment. Pathogens 2020 Aug 14; 9(8). Epub 2020 Aug 14.
3. Sura-Amornkul S, Pitabut N, Pholtawornkulchai K, Matangkasombut P, Sakuntabhai A, Singhasivanon P. Association between circulating cortisol and ACTH and severity of dengue infection in adult patients. J Med Assoc Thai 2019; 102 (Suppl.8): 76-81.
4. Loharungsikul S, Onlamoon N, Pattanapanyasat K, Pitabut N, Khusmith S. Late-stage P. falciparum antigen lysates induce phenotypic changes associated with myeloid dendritic cells maturation via toll-like receptor 2. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 2017; 48 (3):507-23.
5. Pitabut N, Sakurada S, Tanaka T, Dhepakson P, Yanai H, Yamada N, Oka S, Okada M, Khusmith S, Keicho N. Potential function of granulysin, perforin, IFN-γ and lymphocyte subsets in patients with TB and HIV/TB coinfection. Respirology 2013; 18 (Suppl. 4), 21 DOI 10.1111/resp.12184
6. Pitabut N, Sakurada S, Tanaka T, Ridruechai C, Tanuma J, Aoki T, Kantipong P, Piyaworawong S, Kobayashi N, Dhepakson P, Yanai H, Yamada N, Oka S, Okada M, Khusmith S, Keicho N. Potential function of granulysin, other related effector molecules and lymphocyte subsets in patients with TB and HIV/TB coinfection. International Journal of Medical Sciences 2013; 10(8): 1003-14.
7. Pitabut N, Mahasirimongkol S, Yanai H, Ridruechai C, Sakurada S, Dhepakson P, Kantipong P, Piyaworawongse S, Moolphaet S, Harnsuthivatchakul C, Yamada N, Keicho N, Okada M, Khusmith S. Decreased plasma granulysin and increased interferon-gamma concentrations in patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed tuberculosis. Microbiology and Immunology 2011; 55: 565-73.
8. Pitabut N, Panichakorn J, Mahakunijcharoen Y, Hiranpetcharat C, Looareesuwan S, Khusmith S. IgG antibody profile to C-terminal region of P. vivax merozoite surface protein-1 in Thai individual exposed to malaria. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2007; 38(1):1-7.