• 0 2329 8025 – 30
  • md@kmitl.ac.th


  • การกำกับดูแล
  • การสำรวจความพึงพอใจ

Governance Transparency


We established the curriculum committee that has the responsibility and authority for planning and implementing the curriculum to secure its intended educational outcomes. The committee includes representatives from all major stakeholders (the dean, deputy dean for medical education, academic staffs, supporting staffs and students).
The Faculty of Medicine is a part of KMITL. The Faculty is governed by Faculty Administrative Board and Faculty Committee under supervision of Institute Board and Council. The Administrative Boards comprises three main divisions as follow:

1.  Office of Administrative Affairs.

The office comprises strategic management and general administration divisions. The Strategic Management division is responsible for strategic planning, budgeting, human resource and quality management. The General Administration division concerns document management, purchase and supplies and building and maintenance.

2.  Office of Academic Affairs.

The office is responsible for academic and research activities. The Academic Division governs the educational activities including curriculum design, implementation of the curriculum, faculty development and student affairs. Committees and subcommittees for each activity are appointed. These include Curriculum committee and subcommittees for preclinical phase, clinical phases, student research, and quality assessment. The office is also responsible for research activities of the Faculty.

3.  KMITL Medical Clinic.

The office is responsible for medical services for staffs and students of KMITL as well as the local community. The Clinic also serves as the centre for studying the primary health care and family medicine for our medical students.

We include representatives from principle stakeholders in our committees and subcommittees where appropriate. In case that we cannot include such representatives, input from those stakeholders will be gathered and used for the administration of the Faculty.

Input from other stakeholders are gathered periodically. Representatives from other stakeholders are invited to the meeting of which the agenda directly concerns with such groups.

Satisfaction Questionnaire


To improve the learning environment by regularly updating and modifying or extending the physical facilities to match developments in educational practices, a survey will be annually conducted to monitor the satisfaction of instructors and students regarding the sufficiency of academic resources. Students and other stakeholders can express their comments and suggestion via Faculty of Medicine, KMITL website.

Questionnaire will be sent out periodically to the employers and related academic institutions to seek their comments and opinion concerning graduate’s performance. The Faculty of Medicine, KMITL also provides the direct access via the Faculty website.