
Welcome to the Division of International Affairs, MDKMITL where our goal is to promote international collaborations with global institutions for a robust network of like-minded medical education and healthcare professionals. Join us today and learn more about how you can become an integral part of our success!


At MDKMITL, we are dedicated to collaborations with the world’s leading international organizations. With a strong commitment to sharing knowledge and expertise in medical education and research, we seek for partnerships with global medical schools and healthcare organizations to equip our students and researchers with the latest innovations for multi-disciplinary excellence.

MOU Partner Institutions:

* University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Global Exchanges

It is our priority to send and receive the world’s next generation of healthcare leaders. That’s why MDKMITL has developed enriching international exchanges and short courses with our MOU partners for the betterment of our students and staff.

International Visitors

MDKMITL welcomes the world to our innovative medical education program where innovation and medical education excellence go hand in hand. Check out our many international visitors who have graced the halls of Thailand’s first international medical program here!